Sunday, February 19, 2023

Football and Politics (Koran Tempo 20 February 2023)

My op-ed published by Tempo this morning, discussing the dominance of strong figures with political and governmental backgrounds as leaders of our football association. I highlight this as an inherent tendency in a country's history of power.
Full article here

Rendy Pahrun Wadipalapa

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Indonesian democracy (Jawa Pos 16/02/23)

Here my latest op-ed published by Jawa Pos this morning, discussing the risk of our democracy ahead of the political years.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Leftism as recipe?

My opinion published by Detik (10 February 2023) 

Why is the growing power of the right-wing, often associated with a deadly combination of conservative rhetoric and authoritarian agenda, solely perceived as a symptom of democratic backsliding? Why is it no longer interpreted as a sign of the weakness of the left, which is expected to balance the power?
Full article, see here

The Titanic Paradox: When Aid Becomes an Ego Trip

  Remember Slavoj Žižek's brilliant take on Titanic ? The philosopher argued that Rose, the wealthy socialite, needed Jack's lower-c...